🎁 Get the MySignature Tier 1 lifetime deal for $39 with the following features:
- 5 users/signatures + 5 MyPages
- No branding from MySignature
- Generate email signatures for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, and Thunderbird
- All pro add-ons including email open and click tracking in Gmail
- Signature management from the dashboard
- Unlimited signature edits
- All 11 templates and any future templates
- Advanced signature customization
- Signature banner gallery
- Handwritten signature generator
- Font signature generator + Chrome extension
- Users management + All MyPage features
🎁 Get the MySignature Tier 2 lifetime deal for $79 with everything above +
- 20 users/signatures + 20 MyPages
🎁 Get the MySignature Tier 3 lifetime deal for $159 with everything above +
- 100 users/signatures + 100 MyPages
- Custom domains in signatures
- Agency Hub + Unlimited companies
- Invite account admins with access levels
- Allow clients to manage their companies