🎁 Get the Plerdy lifetime deal for $69 with the following features:
- 3 websites
- 25,000 pageviews per day (total)
- 1,000 video sessions (total)
- 5 active forms, NPS, or reviews
- 5,000 SEO site audit, pages per day
- 5,000 pages from the Google Search Console per month
- Unlimited active pages
- Unlimited team members
- Unlimited API integrations and captured leads
- Filter by date, traffic, device, country, unique page views, and user actions
- Heatmaps (clicks, scroll, mouseover, sequence of clicks, and text selection)
- Create user groups for extra segmentation
- Import own banner, image, and YouTube video
- 20+ display rules and form analytics
- Create events and submit to GA in one click
- Conversion funnels
- Automatic SEO page audit (desktop and mobile)
- Look up missing keywords on website and Google Search Console
- View, sort, share, and delete record sessions
- Identify the “price” of website elements with Sales Performance
- 6 months of storage
🎁 For $138, Get the lifetime deal Tier-2 with everything above +
- 6 websites
- 50,000 page views per day (total)
- 2,000 video sessions (total)
- 10 active forms, NPS, or reviews
- 10,000 SEO site audit, pages per day
- 10,000 pages from the Google Search Console per month
🎁 For $207, Get the lifetime deal Tier-3 with everything above +
- 10 websites
- 75,000 page views per day (total)
- 4,000 video sessions (total)
- 15 active forms, NPS, or reviews
- 15,000 SEO site audit, pages per day
- 15,000 pages from the Google Search Console per month
🎁 You can stack up to 10 codes to get everything above + the following features @ $690
- 31 websites
- 250,000 page views per day (total)
- 11,000 video sessions (total)
- 50 active forms, NPS, or reviews
- 50,000 SEO site audit, pages per day
- 50,000 pages from the Google Search Console per month