🎁 Get the Share My Image lifetime deal for $99 with the following features:
- 1 User Unlimited Image Space
- Upload Images & Videos up to 1 GB
- Images support types – JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and WEBP
- Videos support types – MOV, MP4, WebM
- Share integration to share screenshots and video screen recording
- Create Folders: Organize your product images efficiently by creating folders and subfolders
- Set folder privacy options: public, private, or password-protected
- Generate and Share Links After Uploading Images
- ShareMylmage.com creates various types of links: Direct links, HTML, Thumbnail, Markdown, BB Code
- Get All Image Links Easily: Retrieve album image links with a single click
- Each folder/album can generate up to 1000 links
- Help for eCommerce Businesses: Create product listings via CSV upload, saving time and effort
- Bulk image management for Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Shopify, WooCommerce, and other platforms
- Global CDN for faster content access worldwide
- Get a personalized brand URL (e.g., ShareMylmage.com/YourBrand)
- Organize and showcase your products’ portfolio
- Share URL on WhatsApp, Telegram, and other platforms