🚀 With $29 lifetime plan, you will get :
- 200K Credits (1 Credit = 1 Word)
- 50+ Global languages & dialects
- Natural life-like voices
- Personalized dashboard
- Voice speed control
Basic support
🚀For $49 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 1 Million Credits (1 Credit = 1 Word)
- 100+ Global languages & dialects
- Natural life-like voices
- Personalized dashboard
- Voice speed control
- Premium support
- Gender & age-specific voice dialects
- Audio SEO booster
🚀For $79 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 2 Million Credits (1 Credit = 1 Word)
- 200+ Global languages & dialects
- Natural life-like voices
- Personalized dashboard
- Voice speed control
- Conceirge support
- Gender & age-specific voice dialects
- Audio SEO booster