🎁 Get the Wordplay.ai lifetime deal for $99 with the following features:
- 7,500 words per month
- Available in 20+ languages
- Long-form AI content writer with 6 different modes
- The ability to generate 5,000+ words from a keyword or phrase
- The flexibility to define subheadings for more control over your content
- The capability to create 50+ high quality articles in one click
- A WordPress plugin so you can bulk import and schedule your content
- Outline Mode: Create content from a title and 3-12 subheadings
- Title Mode: Create content in bulk from a list of article titles
- Bulk CSV Mode: Create bulk content from a CSV of titles & subheadings
- Topic Mode: Create content in bulk from a list of broad topics
- FAQ Questions: Add FAQs to your articles to make them longer & land in Google’s featured snippets
🎁 For $399, Get the lifetime license with everything above + 35,000 words per month.
🎁 For $999, Get the lifetime license with everything above + 100,000 words per month.
🎁 For $2800, Get the lifetime license with everything above + 300,000 words per month.