🎁 Get the WPHoster lifetime deal for $99 with the following features:
- 1 Website
- Unlimited SSD Storage and Bandwidth
- Unlimited x 10 GB Mailboxes and Database
- 99.99% Uptime Guarantee
- Advanced DDoS Protection
- WordPress Staging + WordPress Manager
- Unlimited Emails with spam protection
- FTP Security Lock + Edge caching
- Web Optimisation + Automatic Malware Scans
- FREE CDN + Free SSL Certificate
- For 5 websites for $799
- For unlimited websites for $999
📢 Get the Reseller Plan for $1999 with:
- Only 100 Accounts
- Each sub-account comes with features of Tier 1
📢 Get the Reseller Pro Plan for $2499 with:
- Unlimited Accounts
- Each sub-account comes with features of Tier 3