🚀 Grab this lifetime access to 1stFlip Standard Plan for $24.90, and relish these features!
- Enable/disable original PDF print feature
- Enable/disable flipbook social sharing
- Integrate Google Analytics Integration
- Create Text Version flipbook for SEO
- Convert to local flipbook in html, zip app and exe formats
- Publish flipbook as WordPress Plugin, Joomla Module and Drupal Module
- Publish Flash-HTML5, pure Flash or pure HTML5 flipbooks
- Add title, keywords, and description to flipbook for SEO
- Upload flipbooks to 1stFlip server directly
- Manage all uploaded flipbooks with ease
- Upload flipbook to your website/server with built-in FTP.
- Record detailed information of each uploaded flipping book
🚀 Grab this lifetime access to 1stFlip Pro Plan for $69.90, and relish these features!
- Get everything included in the standard version.
- Insert any PDF Page or image to existing flipbook as new flip page
- Delete unwanted pages or readjust page order
- Embed solid line, dashed line, dotted line to any part of any flip page
- Embed 16 kinds of shapes to any flip page
- Embed callout or text to any flip page
- Embed button to any flip page
- Embed image or GIF to any flip page
- Embed song to any flip page with built-in sound players
- Embed local video, YouTube video or Vimeo video to any flip page with built-in players
- Embed number icons to any flip page
- Add trigger action (open link, window, slideshow, play audio, etc.) to any embeded shape, callout, text, number icon and image.