🚀 Get the Textbuddy lifetime deal for $19 with the following features:
- Plain English writing rules
- Spelling and grammar checker
- Synonyms
- Text rephrasing
- Text copywriting
- Text sentiment
- Statistics and keywords
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The ChatGPT 4-powered AI assistant takes care of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and comes with more AI tools and predefined prompts to simplify your writing.
It will highlight words and sentences on the fly. Highlights include too long sentences, passive voice, adverbs, formatting errors, complex, filler, and vague words.
It provides synonyms, a readability score, text stats, and a keyword list for your text.
Simplify your writing, eliminate flaws, and enhance your communication effortlessly.
With the power of plain language and AI. The writing tool analyzes your text, identifying areas that could be clearer and more concise.
Textbuddy is an online writing editor that highlights possible flaws in your text. It uses plain English rules to guide you towards clear and concise content.
The tool comes with synonyms, its own readability score, text statistics, and a keyword list for your text.
The AI assistant takes care of your grammar and spelling and (re-)writes text in plain language. Just tell it what to do, or ask any question, and it will help you to the best of its ability.
They use OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 technology to create or improve text. Let it write a draft and improve it in the Textbuddy writing tool. Use the AI as inspiration to overcome writer’s block.
🚀 Get the Textbuddy lifetime deal for $19 with the following features:
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