🚀 Get the Slay School Plan 1 lifetime deal for $39 with the following features:
- Unlimited flashcards, MCQ and Anki exports
- Unlimited file, video, audio, images & link uploads to flashcards and quizzes
- Unlimited question bank generations
- Unlimited access to AI Tutors
- All future Unlimited Plan updates
- You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
- Ability to upgrade or downgrade between 3 license tiers
- No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that is right for you
🚀 Get the Slay School Plan 2 lifetime deal for $79 with everything above +
- Unlimited writing asst. features for essays, applications & emails w/ plagiarism detection
🚀 Get the Slay School Plan 3 lifetime deal for $119 with everything above +
- Unlimited audio recording for transcripts, lectures, workshops, and in person meetings