🎁 Get the Agiled lifetime deal for $89 with the following features:
- Unlimited leads + Unlimited clients + Unlimited integrations
- Finance + Employees + Tasks & projects + Time tracker
- Proposal + Contracts + CRM + File management
- Quickbooks & Xero integrations + Subscriptions for clients
- Email integration + White-labeling + 5 automation
- 1 email clients + 2 Sales pipelines
- 5 team members + 100 GB storage
🎁 For $178, Get the Lifetime License Tier-2 with everything above +
- 10 automation + 2 email clients + 4 pipelines
- 15 team members + 200 GB storage
🎁 For $267, Get the Lifetime License Tier-3 with everything above +
- 15 automation + 3 email clients + 6 pipelines
- 25 team members + 300 GB storage
🎁 For $356, Get the Lifetime License Tier-4 with everything above +
- 20 automation + 4 email clients + 8 pipelines
- 35 team members + 400 GB storage
🎁 For $445, Get the Lifetime License Tier-5 with everything above +
- 25 automation + 5 email clients + 10 pipelines
- 45 team members + 500 GB storage
🎁 For $534, Get the Lifetime License Tier-6 with everything above +
- 30 automation + 6 email clients + 12 pipelines
- 55 team members + 600 GB storage
🎁 For $623, Get the Lifetime License Tier-7 with everything above +
- 35 automation + 7 email clients + 14 pipelines
- 65 team members + 700 GB storage
🎁 For $712, Get the Lifetime License Tier-8 with everything above +
- 40 automation + 8 email clients + 16 pipelines
- 75 team members + 800 GB storage
🎁 For $801, Get the Lifetime License Tier-9 with everything above +
- 45 automation + 9 email clients + 18 pipelines
- 85 team members + 900 GB storage
🎁 For $890, Get the Lifetime License Tier-10 with everything above +
- 50 automation + 10 email clients + 20 pipelines
- Unlimited team members + 1,000 GB storage