🚀 Get the Auditzy lifetime deal for $49 with the following features:
- Unlimited URLs
- 75 audits
- 250 technology lookups
- 1 Audit(s) per minute
- Compare multiple competitors
- Analyse all your competitors
- Queue multiple audits
- Track website performance with each PR on GitHub
- Slack Integration
- 2 Automated Active URLs per team
- Multi Device Audit
- Multi Network Audit
- Multi-Location Audit
- All Features and Updates to Auditzy Hobby Plan
🚀 For $97, Get the lifetime deal Plan B with everything above +
- Unlimited URLs
- 250 audits
- 500 technology lookups
- 5 Automated Active URLs per team
- Access to 2 teams
- All Features and Updates to Auditzy StartUp Plan
🚀 For $197, Get the lifetime deal Plan C with everything above +
- Unlimited URLs
- 750 audits
- 1500 technology lookups
- 1 Audit(s) per minute
- 10 Automated Active URLs per team
- Access to 8 teams
- View network logs (HAR)
- Download white label report
- All Features and Updates to Auditzy Growth Plan
🚀 For $397, Get the lifetime deal Plan D with everything above +
- Unlimited URLs
- 1500 audits
- 2500 technology lookups
- 1 Audit(s) per minute
- 20 Automated Active URLs per team
- Access to 15 teams
- All Features and Updates to Auditzy Pro Plan