🚀 Get the Babbel Language Learning lifetime deal for just $169.99 $599 with the following features:
- Get lifetime access to learn all 14 languages
- Practice w/ 10-15 minute bite-sized lessons that fit conveniently into your schedule
- Cover a wide range of useful real-life topics, from travel to family, business, food & more
- Use speech recognition technology to keep your pronunciation on point
- Learn at a variety of skill levels, from beginner to advanced
- Valid for New Users in the USA Only
- Max number of devices: Unlimited
- Access options: desktop & mobile
- Number of languages: 14 (all current languages)
- Updates included
- Get personalized review sessions to reinforce what you learn so it really sticks
- Study whenever & wherever you want and your progress will be synchronised across your devices
- Use offline mode to access courses, lessons & review items when not on Wi-Fi—just download them beforehand
- Languages Available: Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, English