🚀 Get the NextJs SaaS – Standard lifetime deal for $129 with the following features:
- NextJs + NextAuth + LemonSqueezy + Tailwind CSS
- User Auth (Social Login, Magic Link)
- Database Integration + Email Integration
- Landing Page + Tailwind CSS
- LemonSqueezy Checkout (Including Paypal)
- Customer Support (Crisp)
- Custom SEO Configurations
🚀 Get the NextJs SaaS + AI lifetime deal for $199 with the following features:
- NextJs + NextAuth + Stripe + LemonSqueezy + AI + Tailwind CSS
- User Auth (Social Login, Magic Link)
- Database Integration + Landing Page
- Email Integration + Stripe Checkout + Webhook
- LemonSqueezy Checkout (Including Paypal)
- LemonSqueezy Webhook + Subscription
- Tailwind CSS + Customer Support (Crisp)
- Custom SEO Configurations + Custom Blog Integration
- LangChain Integration + Pinecone Integration
- OpenAI Integration + PDF Chat
🚀 Get the ChatGPT Chrome Extension – React lifetime deal for $79 with the following features:
- ChatGPT Integration
- Custom Character Chat
- LemonSqueezy Checkout (Including Paypal)
- Chat UI + Chakra UI