🚀 Grab lifetime access to Botsify for $59, and relish these features!
- Unlimited chatbots
- Biweekly reporting
- Message scheduling
- All platforms (SMS and WhatsApp at costs)
- Unlimited number of stories
- Unlimited active chatbots
- Unlimited SMS chatbots (charges will be applied to Twillio account)
- Unlimited conversations, forms, and media
- Integrations: Zapier, RSS feed, JSON API, and more
- 50,000 unique users per month
- 60 days chat history
- 5 members
- Unlimited websites
- Unlimited Facebook accounts
- Unlimited telegram
🚀 Grab this lifetime access to Botsify for $118, and relish these additional features!
- 100,000 unique users per month
- 60 days chat history
- 10 members
- White-labeling (custom branding, unique domain, color theming)
🚀 For $177, avail of these added perks for a lifetime!
- 200,000 unique users per month
- 90 days chat history
- 15 members