🚀 With $59 lifetime plan, you will get :
- Tasks
- Chat
- Calendar
- Deals
- Gantt chart
- Time tracking
- Help desk
- Client portal with CNAME support
- Create surveys
- 3 users
- 60 GB total storage
- Unlimited projects
- Unlimited clients
- Unlimited workflows
- Unlimited email integrations
🚀For $119 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 10 users
- 200 GB total storage
- Unlimited projects
- Unlimited clients
- Unlimited workflows
- Unlimited email integrations
🚀For $179 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 25 users
- 500 GB total storage
- Unlimited projects
- Unlimited clients
- Unlimited workflows
- Unlimited email integrations