Distrobird Lifetime Deal

Get lifetime access to Distrobird for just $59 one-time payment.

Distrobird is a sales automation software that offers tools for email and SMS campaigns, a cloud call center, a shared inbox, and more.

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Major Highlights

Capture leads from your website and funnel them into multi-channel campaigns or sequences that will help close the sale

Manage group inboxes like sales@, or accounts@ in one place. A timeline-based shared inbox built for speed and collaboration

Cut through the email noise with hyper-segmented, TCPA compliant SMS campaigns that gets responses

Generate 8x more inbound leads, and stay connected with site visitors via SMS long after they leave

Manage your entire sales process in one place

Sequences, cloud call center, shared inbox, form tracking, and more — on a single platform. Double your sales team’s output with fewer tools.

  • Distrobird makes it a breeze to get the right lead into the right sales contact, so you can say goodbye to manually sending emails or logging tasks.
  • This tool can automatically funnel inbound leads into segmented email sequences based on company or lead characteristics.
  • That means you’ll be able to send prospects down new sequences based on their responses to campaigns or website activity.
  • You can set up inbound and outbound call stacks in five minutes to contact your customers and prospects directly.
  • Use the built-in power and preview dialers to make as many calls as you want in a day without sacrificing quality.
  • Distrobird also lets you launch outbound call campaigns using form submissions to keep leads from falling through the cracks.
  • Plus, you can create tasks based on lead activity for email and SMS campaigns, as well as deflect low-priority calls to SMS chat or self-service.
  • With the shared inbox, you can track interactions across voice, email, and SMS, including site activities organized in a chronological timeline.
  • Sales reps can work together on inbound inquiries and automatically assign messages to the right reps based on context, expertise, and seniority.
  • They can add comments to each event and tag individual teammates to keep important info from getting lost in chat.
  • Collect user contact info on your site or lead magnet submissions—and manage all these contacts in one place.
  • Distrobird will automatically add details to every form submission so you know exactly who the lead is, what company they’re associated with, and how valuable they are.
  • You can automate lead qualification by configuring rules based on form fields like company size, revenue, or industry.
  • Automatically assign hot leads to reps who can call them immediately, and send lower-value leads to multi-channel sequences for nurturing.

What was included in this deal?

Lifetime access to this tool for $59 only.

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60 Days Money-Back Guarantee.

🚀 Get the Distrobird lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:

  • All-in-one sales and customer support platform
  • Form tracking + Block list + Tasks
  • Unlimited teammates + Number groups
  • Automated and manual email steps
  • Unlimited steps per sequence
  • Unlimited rules per step
  • Custom sending window and attributes
  • Office 365, Gmail, and custom SMTP inbox sync
  • Contact groups + Email open/click tracking
  • Campaign exclusions and scheduled campaigns

🚀 Get the Distrobird lifetime deal for $149 with everything above +

  • 10 users
  • 50 workflows per automation
  • Optional Distrobird signature

🚀 Get the Distrobird lifetime deal for $249 with everything above +

  • 25 users
  • Unlimited workflows per automation
Distrobird Lifetime Deal Pricing

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