Hexomatic helps over 130,000 businesses scrape the web and automate time consuming sales, marketing and research tasks. With this new premium automation, you can now 100X your productivity ๐.

Hexomatic now has ChatGPT integration!
This will allow you to prompt ChatGPT and receive results AT SCALE! Instead of entering prompts individually by hand and waiting to copy-paste results, you can now automate that process and get what you need in bulk. Just imagine the possibilities when combining these two powerhouse tools together!
๐ Scrape data from any website in minutes:ย
Automate time consuming data collection with our visual point and click scraping recipe builder.ย Hexomatic features automatic field detection and pagination to help you capture products, listings and pricing data in minutes.
Scraping recipes can be combined and enriched using ready-made automations.ย No coding or PhD in programming required.
๐ 90+ ready made built-in automations to supercharge your workflow
Perform time consuming tasks and enrich your data in minutes using our ready made automations. Find contact details, specific document types, convert images, extract SEO data, detect tech stack, perform WHOIS queries and more.
Start with a scraping recipe, CSV or Google Sheet and combine automations to perform tasks on your data at scale.
๐ Tap into premium automations to leverage 3rd party services
Find leads using Google search or Google maps in a few clicks without having to create your own scraping recipe, then combine other automations to find contact details, detect tech stack or even estimate traffic for each prospect in minutes.
Get Amazon data, tap into world class machine translations from Google Translate or DeepL and get traffic insights for any website right inside your workflow, no APIโs or additional subscriptions required.
Create any workflow by chaining together automation blocks and custom actions

- No-Code Web Scraping:
- Turn any website into a spreadsheet with a 1-click web scraper.
- Extract products, content, media, or leads effortlessly.
- Automations at Scale:
- Access 100+ ready-made automations for tasks like contact validation, email discovery, and AI-driven processes.
- Native ChatGPT and Google Bard automations for advanced AI tasks.
- Powerful Workflows:
- Combine personal scraping recipes with ready-made automations to save over 100 hours monthly.
- Create workflows for B2B lead generation, SEO opportunities, and more.
- Web Scraping Meets AI:
- Elevate web scraping by integrating generative AI for tasks like writing, summarization, and analysis.
- Upload your own data for ChatGPT AI tasks with a few clicks.
- Integration:
- Seamless integration with various software tools, enhancing team collaboration and workflow efficiency.
- AI Movement:
- Perform AI tasks at scale with native ChatGPT and Google Bard automations.
- Eliminate manual, time-consuming tasks and embrace the future of automation.
- Possibilities:
- Hexomatic opens a world of possibilities for scaling businesses with its simple web scraping and generative AI combination.
- Easily scrape entire eCommerce websites and search engines, enhancing productivity.
- Upload data for common ChatGPT AI tasks like summarization, content writing, and analysis.
- Trusted by Businesses:
- Over 130,000 businesses trust Hexomatic for its innovative approach to web scraping and automation.
1 thought on โHexomatic Lifetime Deal ๐ Web Scraping and Automation Simplifiedโ
I got it โ life time deal of hexomatic