🎁 Get the Howuku Optimize lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:
- 1 websites
- 50,000 monthly tested users
- Version history (view your 3 most recent changes)
- Unlimited seats
- A/B testing + Split URL testing
- Unlimited sub-domains
- Visual and code editor
- Traffic allocation
- Event tracking and user attribute API’s
- Unlimited goal and metrics
- Unlimited variation
- Onsite survey widget
- AI-based text recommendation
- Download summary report and share report
🎁 Get the Howuku Optimize lifetime deal for $129 with everything above +
- 5 websites
- 100,000 monthly tested users
- Version history (view your entire change history)
- Unlimited seats
- Personalize text
- Campaign scheduling
- Deploy winners
🎁 Get the Howuku Optimize lifetime deal for $249 with everything above +
- Unlimited websites
- 250,000 monthly tested users
🎁 Get the Howuku Optimize lifetime deal for $399 with everything above +
- Unlimited websites
- 500,000 monthly tested users
- API + Advanced targeting