📚 Get the Linguix lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:
- 3 team members
- Basic grammar and spelling checks
- Unlimited grammar checker
- Checks for punctuation, grammar, context, and sentence structure
- Vocabulary enhancement suggestions
- Personalized language learning
- Essay template + Synonyms suggestions
- Dictionary + Grammar handbook
- Personalized learning
- English level interactive tests
- Content templates + Team management
- Writing insights on a team level
- Mobile app (Android and iOS)
- Languages include English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, and Polish
- Text summarizer + In-line text generation
- Get 7 Team members for $118
- Get 15 Team members for $177
- Get 20 Team members for $236
- Get 25 Team members for $295
- Get 30 Team members for $354
- Get 35 Team members for $413
- Get 40 Team members for $472
- Get 45 Team members for $531
- Get 50 Team members for $590