🚀 With $49 lifetime plan, you will get :
- 30 Campaigns
- Custom Branding
- API access
- ∞ Notifications
- ∞ Impressions
- 1K days Statistics Retention
- No Ads Removable Branding
🚀For $99 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 50 Campaigns
- Custom Branding
- API access
- 10K days Statistics Retention
- ∞ Impressions
- ∞ Notifications
- No Ads
- Removable Branding
🚀For $149 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- ∞ Campaigns
- Custom Branding
- API access
- ∞ Notifications
- ∞ Impressions
- ∞ Statistics Retention
- No Ads
- Removable Branding