🎁 Get the OneUptime lifetime deal for $39 with the following features:
- 1 seat(s)
- 100 total active monitors
- Unlimited emails alerts
- Unlimited inactive monitors
- Unlimited status pages
- Unlimited subscribers
- Unlimited status page viewers
- Get notified via Slack or email
- 5,000+ integrations and all future integrations
- API access + Advanced workflows
- Monitor websites, APIs, IP addresses and more
- Monitor from multiple locations
- Monitor resource every minute
- Set custom criteria based on response body, headers, status, etc.
- Logs stored for 90 days
🎁 Get the OneUptime lifetime deal for $99 with everything above +
- 3 seat(s)
- 250 total active monitors
🎁 Get the OneUptime lifetime deal for $199 with everything above +
- 10 seat(s)
- 500 total active monitors