🎁 Get the ostr.io Tier 1 lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:
- Unlimited domains
- Unlimited servers
- Unlimited hostnames
- Unlimited monitoring endpoints per domain
- Unlimited webcron endpoints per domain
- 2,000 pre-rendering requests per month
- 2,000 monitoring requests per month
- 4,000 web analytics pageviews per month
- 2,000 webcron requests per month
- Unlimited emails and phone numbers
- Domain DNS, Whois, and expiration
- SSL (TLS) expiration and CRC
- Availability monitoring
- Custom endpoint monitoring
- Hardware monitoring
- Protected endpoint monitoring
- Website analytics
- Events and errors tracking
- 1 year data retention (web analytics, pre-rendering, monitoring, and webcron)
🎁 Get the ostr.io Tier 2 lifetime deal for $299 with everything above +
- 10,000 pre-rendering requests per month
- 10,000 monitoring requests per month
- 20,000 web analytics pageviews per month
- 10,000 webcron requests per month
- Wildcard and subdomains (pre-rendering and analytics)