🚀 Get the Plai lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:
- 1 workspaces + Unlimited team members and users
- Unlimited ad spend + Unlimited client accounts
- Targeted ads across all platforms (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn)
- AI copywriting (AI model: OpenAI) + AI landing page builder
- Automated audience creation and recommendations
- Automated optimizations across your campaigns
- Automatic A/B testing + Connect unlimited accounts
- Automated retargeting + Discover trends in your industry
- Forecasting and planning tools + Find new keywords and get search volume
- Analytics and insights for Google Analytics, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page, and Google Ads
- Promote multiple videos and images across channels
- Start advertising with just $1 per day + Mobile & web app
🚀 For $99, Get the lifetime license Tier-2 with everything above +
- 3 workspaces
🚀 For $179, Get the lifetime license Tier-3 with everything above +
- 8 workspaces
🚀 For $329, Get the lifetime license Tier-4 with everything above +
- Unlimited workspaces