🚀 Get the Rockstar SMS lifetime deal for $49 with the following features:
- Unlimited messaging (with your gateway connected)
- Unlimited voice broadcasts (with your gateway connected)
- Unlimited groups
- Unlimited keywords
- Unlimited digital coupons
- Unlimited mobile kiosks & contests
- Unlimited web forms & polls
- Unlimited short links
- Unlimited QR codes
- Up to 50 team member accounts included (sharing your gateway)
- Use With Twilio, Plivo, Bandwidth, SignalWire, Telnyx, Nexmo, and Ytel or your SMPP gateway
- SMS chat platform (have texting conversations from your toll-free or local number)
- SMS opt-in & lead notifications
Email opt-in & lead notifications - Email to SMS replies
- Stacking info:
- Stack 2 codes to upgrade to the Agency Silver Package
- Includes 25 accounts to resell and keep 100% of the profit
- Stack 3 codes to upgrade to the Agency Gold Package
- Includes 50 accounts to resell and keep 100% of the profit
- Stack 4 codes to upgrade to the Agency Platinum Package
- Includes 150 accounts to resell and keep 100% of the profit
- Stack 5 codes to upgrade to the Agency Diamond Package
- Includes 200 accounts to resell and keep 100% of the profit [best value]