🚀 Get the SalesRobot lifetime deal for $69 with the following features:
- 1 seat(s)+ 25 AI credits per month
- Unlimited connection requests and InMail/day
- 5 AI-personalized connection requests per day per user
- 100 profile outreaches per day from LinkedIn event per user
- 200 profile outreaches per day from LinkedIn group per user
- 30 profile outreaches per day from hashtag search per user
- 30 profile outreaches per day from likes and comments per user
- Get free emails and phone numbers for prospects
- Mini CRM, smart inbox, and auto follow-ups
- All integrations via Zapier and Integromat webhooks
- Action, location, and prospect insights dashboard
- Unlimited automated reports
- Use a single sales nav account across multiple LinkedIn accounts
- Auto-rotate connection requests across profiles
- Blacklist prospects based on company and duplicate prospects in different LinkedIn accounts
- Image personalization in integration with hyperise.com
- Safe mode to avoid getting your account flagged by Linkedin
- A dedicated IP address in the cloud to keep your LinkedIn account safe
- Manage templates across multiple users and set different role-based access control for each user
🚀 For $139, Get the lifetime license Tier-2 with everything above + 4 seat(s) & 50 AI credits per month.
🚀 For $199, Get the lifetime license Tier-3 with everything above + 10 seat(s) & 100 AI credits per month.
🚀 For $299, Get the lifetime license Tier-4 with everything above + 20 seat(s) & 200 AI credits per month.