🚀 With $69 lifetime plan, you will get :
- Full customization and branding with your own logo
- Cookie declaration table
- Geo locations: UK, US, and EU
- Cookie policy and database
- 30 currently available languages, plus access to new languages released
- CCPA banner
- Consent log
- Scan report (full version)
- Prior consent
- Flexible integrations
- Domain scan frequency
- Subdomains
- Script management
- Google consent mode
- IAB TCF 2.0
- 1 website(s)
- 5 banner designs
- 500 scan subpages
- Quarterly domain scan frequency
- Up to 5,000 consent log
- 14 assessment and policy packs
🚀 For $129 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- website(s)
- 5 banner designs
- Unlimited scan subpages
- Monthly domain scan frequency
- Up to 15,000 consent logs
- 14 assessment and policy packs
- 5 staff members for GDPR e-training
🚀 For $279 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 15 website(s)
- 5 banner designs
- Unlimited scan subpages
- Monthly domain scan frequency
- Up to 50,000 consent logs
- 20 assessment and policy packs
- 10 staff members for GDPR e-trainins