🚀 With $79 lifetime plan, you will get :
- No-login, no-download entry
- Customizable registration page
- Customizable event URL
- Unlimited concurrent events, stages, and rooms
- Unlimited organizers, presenters, and hosts
- Customizable contact cards and user profiles
- Upload and send images or files in all chats
- Permanent member list
- Custom access—public or private
- Customizable URL
- One-click HD recording
- Cloud storage and download for all participants
- 400 free tickets per month
- 1 hour maximum length per event
- Unlimited events
🚀For $158 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 600 free tickets per month
- 2 hours maximum length per event
- Unlimited events
🚀For $237 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 800 free tickets per month
- 2 hours maximum length per event
- Unlimited events
🚀 You can stack up to 9 Codes to get all the above features +
- 2,000 ticket credits per month
- 14 days maximum length per event
- Unlimited events