🚀 Get the URL Monitor Tier 1 lifetime deal for $59 with the following features:
- 5 websites + 500 pages submitted per day
- Daily URL monitoring + Bulk indexing
- Automatic indexing + Sync your sitemaps
- Manually add pages + Track progress
- Connect multiple Google Search Console accounts
🚀 Get the URL Monitor Tier 2 lifetime deal for $169 with everything above +
- 20 websites + 1,200 pages submitted per day
🚀 Get the URL Monitor Tier 3 lifetime deal for $349 with everything above +
- 50 websites + 2,000 pages submitted per day
- White-label dashboard and reports
🚀 Get the URL Monitor Tier 4 lifetime deal for $499 with everything above +
- 100 websites + 5,000 pages submitted per day