🚀 With $49 lifetime plan, you will get :
- Live polls and Q&A
- Unlimited projects and events
- Custom themes and colours
- Embed anywhere
- Answer scoring
- Instant answer feedback
- Assign values for scores and calculations
- Custom thank-you screen
- Multiple results screens
- Responses and analytics
- Data export (xls)
- Live video integration
- Logic jumps
- Custom variables
- Exit links and redirects
- Events moderation
- Integrations: Zapier, HubSpot, SALESmanago
- 2,500 responses per month
- 500 event participants
- Starter Plan
🚀 For $98 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 10,000 responses per month
- 1,000 event participants
- Professional Plan
- Remove youengage branding
- Google Tag Manager tracking
- Webhooks
🚀 For $147 lifetime plan, you will get all the above features +
- 25,000 responses per month
- 5,000 event participants
- Business Plan
- Remove youengage branding
- Google Tag Manager tracking
- Webhooks
- Priority support
- Custom domain